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An integrated POC solution for diagnosis and therapy monitoring of Heart Failure patients

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The University of Ioannina (UOI) was founded in 1964, as a charter of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and became an independent university in 1970. As of 2014, there is a student population of approximately 15,000 active students enrolled at the university and more than 580 Faculty members. University of Ioannina is one of the leading academic institutions in Greece.

According to the 2015 Leiden rankings, the University of Ioannina is ranked #2 overall in Greece.

The Medical School of University of Ioannina is one of the seven Medical Schools in Greece. It was founded in 1977 and its evolution is believed to be impressive, considering its achievements and reputation, within such a short time period. The medical education program lasts at least 6 years, with 200 students entering the Medical School via National-wide exams every year. There are also several postgraduate and Ph.D. programs. It has an increasing number of faculty members, aiming to serve its missions in education, clinical practice and research.

The work in the project will be undertaken by the 2nd Department of Cardiology (Director: Prof. L.K. Michalis). The department has a very active role in the education of pre-graduate medical students and post-graduate physicians in the area of North-Western Greece, as well as in the increase of public awareness of the cardiovascular risk in the local society. The clinical and research interests of the department include Heart failure, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular i²maging, Peripheral circulation and Cardiovascular prevention with a special interest in cardiovascular risk of women. A significant part of the department is the Heart Failure Unit that is fully operative for the last 2 years with a large number of patients attending its outpatient clinics, while it also has an active Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) program. The Department participates in large randomized controlled trials and international registries.


Contact Person

Dr. Katerina Naka
2nd Department of Cardiology
University Campus
45110 Iaonnina
